How Did I Improve My Growth?

Note: This Article is about My Personal Experience Towards My Growth Development.

Wahab Afeez
4 min readDec 8, 2021

I’m new to this platform and I just completed my first week on Medium. My Explore on this platform has been pleasant.

So I decided to write about my personal growth, which I have been doing for some time now.

During my research on my growth development, I realized we all in the universe want to live a better life. We all want to live a life that is free of worries. We all want a fulfilling life that is full of excitement.

But to accomplish this, we ought to work on ourselves: Because we are our greatest asset. We can bring into existence whatever we want and seek. But in order to do so, we need to work on ourselves first.

Which now brings the answer to the question, How did I improve my growth?

These are the steps I took:

1. I Took 100% Responsibility for My Life

After graduating from High School, I started working because I’m not from a wealthy family. I work for an accounting firm as an office assistant with a good paycheck for a High School Graduate.

But as time went by, I discovered that my salary was not enough anymore. I realized that I’m always in need of money before the next payday.

So I started to research how to be financially free. During my research, I discovered that nobody will ever provide me with the kind of life I wish to have, and it is not about working hard but is about working smart.

Taking responsibility for my life made me have a new perspective about life. There is nothing impossible in this life, and knowing that has helped me in all areas of my life.

After I started to take responsibility for my life, I realized that I still had some work to do towards improving myself, which led to the next step I took towards improving myself.

So the next step:

2. I Started Educating Myself

There is this quote I came across during my research. It goes like this “ Get rid of bad information and replace it with Good information” then, you are on the right path to growing yourself.

Then I started educating myself by reading innovative books and articles.

I started following in the footsteps of successful pioneers that I consider my mentor, and my journey so far has been fulfilling. Their messages, books, and videos have helped me improve myself.

These are some of the quotes I noted from my pioneers’ messages and they have been helpful for me:

  • “You can have, do, or be anything you want.”
  • Thoughts become things: (“if you want to change anything in your life, change your thoughts”).
  • “If you see it in your mind, you’re going to hold it in your hand”.

There are more quotes, but those listed are at the top of my list.

But it didn’t just end there, because according to my research. I discovered that everybody has a big dream and desire for a better life, but the only ones who achieve their desire are people who take action. That is what brought about the last step:

3. Taking Action

This quote by one of my mentors: “Life is a checkerboard, and the player opposite you is TIME. If you hesitate before moving or neglect to move promptly, your men will be wiped off the board by TIME. You are playing against a partner who will not tolerate INDECISION!”.

The message made me realize that we have to take action in everything we want to do in life Because if we don’t take action, we won’t learn or make progress from the step we are taking.

To improve your growth as a human being, you need to find your path in life. Finding one’s path in life is your goal in life. Your life course is to find out what is in your heart.

Because it is your thought that leads to your actions and your actions create your future. So start by creating your future now, by improving your growth with dedication and persistence. Don’t ever stop learning, and know that your mindset is the key.

Final Thought

Keep your eyes and ears wide open and your mouth closed if you wish to acquire the Habit of prompt DECISION. Persistence is the direct result of Habit. The mind absorbs and becomes a part of the daily experiences upon which it feeds.

With dedication and persistence, anything can be accomplished.



Wahab Afeez

Bluehost Affiliate, I write about personal growth, success, financial stability, and Life as a whole. I also help with legit ways to make money online.